How to Get Rid of Tree Suckers: Effective Techniques for Removal

Tree suckers are shoots that grow from the base of trees or their roots. They are often seen as unwanted growths that can take away nutrients from the main tree and affect its health and appearance. Removing tree suckers can be a challenge, but there are several methods that can be used to get rid of them.

Understanding tree suckers is the first step in getting rid of them. These shoots are often caused by stress to the tree, such as damage to the roots or trunk, or poor soil conditions. They can also be caused by grafting, where a sucker grows from the rootstock of a grafted tree. Knowing what causes tree suckers can help prevent them from growing in the first place.

Preventative measures can be taken to reduce the growth of tree suckers. Regular pruning and maintenance of the tree can help keep it healthy and reduce the stress that can cause suckers to grow. Mulching around the base of the tree can also help retain moisture and nutrients, which can reduce the likelihood of suckers growing.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding the causes of tree suckers can help prevent their growth.
  • Regular pruning and maintenance of the tree can help reduce stress and prevent suckers from growing.
  • Mulching around the base of the tree can help retain moisture and nutrients and reduce the likelihood of suckers growing.

Understanding Tree Suckers

Tree suckers are shoots that grow from the roots or trunk of a tree. They often appear as small, thin stems with leaves that are different from the rest of the tree. Tree suckers can be a nuisance as they can take away nutrients from the main tree, weaken the tree, and even compete with the main tree for water and light.

There are several reasons why tree suckers appear. Some of the common reasons include:

  • Stress: Trees can produce suckers in response to stress caused by factors such as drought, disease, insect infestation, or damage to the roots or trunk.
  • Pruning: Improper pruning can stimulate the growth of suckers. When a tree is pruned, it tries to replace the lost foliage by producing new shoots, including suckers.
  • Grafting: When a tree is grafted, suckers can grow from the rootstock, which is a different tree species or variety than the scion, which is the desired part of the tree.

Tree suckers can be removed by cutting them off at the base or by digging them out. It is important to remove them as soon as possible to prevent them from growing too large and becoming more difficult to remove. Additionally, removing tree suckers can help to improve the health and appearance of the main tree.

To prevent the growth of tree suckers, it is important to maintain the health of the tree. This can be achieved by watering the tree regularly, fertilizing it as needed, and pruning it properly. It is also important to avoid damaging the roots or trunk of the tree during landscaping or construction activities.

In summary, tree suckers are shoots that grow from the roots or trunk of a tree and can be a nuisance if left unchecked. They can be removed by cutting them off at the base or digging them out, and preventing their growth can be achieved by maintaining the health of the main tree.

Preventative Measures

Tree suckers can be a nuisance and can cause damage to the tree if left unattended. Here are some preventative measures that can help reduce the growth of tree suckers:

Proper Planting Techniques

Proper planting techniques can prevent the growth of tree suckers. When planting a tree, make sure to plant it at the appropriate depth and distance from other trees. This will help prevent the tree from becoming stressed, which can lead to the growth of suckers.

Routine Maintenance

Routine maintenance is key to preventing the growth of tree suckers. Pruning the tree regularly can help keep it healthy and strong, and it will also help to prevent the formation of new suckers. When pruning, make sure to cut the branches at the correct angle and distance from the trunk to avoid damaging the tree.

Appropriate Watering Practices

Appropriate watering practices can also help prevent the growth of tree suckers. Overwatering can cause stress to the tree, which can lead to the growth of suckers. Make sure to water the tree regularly, but not excessively. Additionally, make sure to water the tree at the base and not the leaves or branches.

By following these preventative measures, tree suckers can be reduced and the health of the tree can be maintained.

Physical Removal Methods

When it comes to removing tree suckers, there are various physical methods that can be used. Two effective methods are hand-pulling and pruning tools.

Hand-Pulling Suckers

Hand-pulling is a simple and easy method for removing tree suckers. It is best to do this when the soil is moist, as it makes it easier to remove the entire sucker, including the roots. To hand-pull a sucker, grasp it as close to the base as possible and pull it gently but firmly. If the sucker does not come out easily, it is recommended to use a garden fork to loosen the soil around the base of the sucker before pulling it out.

Pruning Tools for Sucker Removal

Pruning tools are also effective for removing tree suckers. The most commonly used tools are pruning shears and a pruning saw. When using pruning shears, it is important to make a clean cut as close to the base of the sucker as possible. If the sucker is too thick for pruning shears, a pruning saw can be used to make a clean cut. It is important to make sure that the saw is sharp to prevent damage to the tree.

In conclusion, physical removal methods such as hand-pulling and pruning tools are effective for removing tree suckers. It is important to make sure that the entire sucker, including the roots, is removed to prevent regrowth.

Chemical Control Options

Herbicide Selection

Herbicides can be an effective way to control tree suckers. When selecting a herbicide, it is important to choose one that is specifically labeled for sucker control. Glyphosate and triclopyr are two common herbicides that work well for this purpose. Glyphosate is a non-selective herbicide that kills all plants, so it should only be used on the suckers and not on the surrounding vegetation. Triclopyr is a selective herbicide that only targets woody plants, making it a better option for controlling suckers on trees and shrubs.

It is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions when using herbicides. Always wear protective clothing and gloves, and avoid spraying on windy days. Be sure to apply the herbicide directly to the sucker, and avoid getting it on the surrounding bark or foliage.

Application Techniques

There are several application techniques that can be used when applying herbicides to tree suckers. One option is to use a paintbrush or sponge to apply the herbicide directly to the sucker. This allows for precise application and minimizes the risk of getting the herbicide on the surrounding vegetation. Another option is to use a spray bottle or backpack sprayer to apply the herbicide. This method is faster and more efficient, but it can be more difficult to avoid getting the herbicide on the surrounding vegetation.

It is important to note that herbicides should only be used as a last resort. They can be harmful to the environment and should be used with caution. If possible, cultural control methods should be used to control tree suckers before resorting to herbicides.

Natural Deterrents

Tree suckers can be a nuisance and can cause damage to the tree if not removed promptly. While there are several methods to get rid of tree suckers, using natural deterrents can be an effective way to prevent them from growing back. Here are a few natural deterrents that can help keep the tree suckers at bay:


Mulching is a great way to prevent tree suckers from growing back. Mulch helps to retain moisture in the soil and also suppresses weed growth. It also helps to regulate soil temperature and provides nutrients to the tree. When mulching, make sure to apply a layer of mulch that is at least 2-3 inches thick around the base of the tree. This will help to prevent the growth of tree suckers.

Companion Planting

Companion planting is another natural deterrent that can help to prevent tree suckers from growing back. Companion planting involves planting certain plants near the base of the tree. These plants help to deter the growth of tree suckers by releasing chemicals that repel them. Some plants that are effective at preventing tree suckers include marigolds, garlic, and chives. These plants can be planted directly in the soil or in pots near the base of the tree.

Using natural deterrents can be an effective way to prevent tree suckers from growing back. By using mulch and companion planting, you can help to keep your tree healthy and free from tree suckers.

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